Dólar americano.
compañía multimillonaria
Another word for "comprende?" ("do you understand?") in Spanish is "entiende?" It is pronounced "ehn-tee-EHN-day". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.
"Day" in Spanish is día. Note the accent mark above the "i".
You say in spanish, as well, "menú del día".
Spanish - dólar or peso, French - dollar, Portuguese - coroa, Chinese - 美元 Keep in mind that one country's dollar is likely a completely different unit of currency than another country's. The U.S. and Canada both use the "dollar," but the Canadian dollar is a different currency unit than the U.S. dollar. Panama uses the U.S. dollar as their unit of currency.
Another word for "chico" in Spanish is "niño."
"Solo otro día en paraíso".
The way you say Mothers Day in Spanish is "Dia de Madre".
De forma cotidiana.
You say; "¿puede prestarme un dólar?" Literally "Can you loan me a dollar?"
¡Qué día!