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anticipating graduation - previsión de la graduación

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"Graduados de quinto grado"

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Q: How do you say anticipating graduation in Spanish?
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How do you say graduation in spanish?


How do you say graduation en spanish?

graduacion (pronounced grahdoo-ah-th-YON)

'Do you want to come to my graduation' translate in Spanish?

You could say "¿Quieres venir a mi graduación?"

How do you say congratulations on your graduation in hawaiian?

You can say "Hoʻomaikaʻi ʻana mai ma kou paepae puka ʻana" to say congratulations on your graduation in Hawaiian.

How do you say 'do have a positive outlook for today's event'?

"I am looking forward to".....or " I am eagerly anticipating"....

What does it mean to dream of seeing a picture of your friends dressed in white smileing in the school library?

This dream suggests the dreamer is anticipating graduation ceremonies, or some similar celebration of achievement.

Is it correct to say congratulations on your graduation or congratulations for your graduation?

Both are correct and commonly used. "Congratulations on your graduation" and "Congratulations for your graduation" have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably.

Kim was asked a speech at graduation?

Kim was asked to give a speech at graduation.

What the different of predicting and anticipating?

anticipating carries the connotation of getting prepared.

Give you a sentence with anticipating in it?

you are too Anticipating. I hate anticipating people.

How do you say graduation in Hebrew?

see-YOOM (סיום)

How do you use anticipating in a sentence?

I'm eagerly anticipating my first performance in my new town.