Pulgares arriba
Arriba los hijos
arriba i found out it was tapa
El gimnasio está arriba.
How to say "put your hands up" in spanish is PUT YOUR HANDS UP (i do not no why but that is how haha) hope that helped!
"Arriba" (Literally "up") "Adelante" (As in "up ahead") "para arriba" (upwards) "hacia arriba" (upwards)
arriba hay.... = upstairs there is.... (pronolunced 'AhRREEbah I....') More specifically en el/un piso de arriba....= (in/on the/an) upstairs (floor) there is....
ella creció arriba
arriba means up.
"On top of" in Spanish is "sobre". It is pronounced "SO-bray".
Arriba means upstair while abajo means down stairs