"Principessa" is an Italian equivalent of "princess."
Specifically, the Italian word is a feminine singular noun. Its singular definite article is "la" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "una" ("a, one").
The pronunciation is "PREEN-tchee-PEHS-sah."
bella picolla, poco bellissima
"The beautiful little one" is "la belle petite" in French, if you are referring to a girl.
tu sei bella/o a if your talking to a girl and o if you talking to a boy
to say beautiful island in italian you say ihavenobutte
You can say "Ciao, bella" in Italian to say "hello beautiful."
'Bella sposa' is an Italian equivalent of 'beautiful bride'. The word 'sposa' is a feminine noun whose definite article is 'la' ['the'] and whose indefinite article is 'una' ['a, one']. The phrase is pronounced 'BEHL-lah SPOH-sah'.
Bellissima Lisa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "very beautiful Lisa." the feminine singular phrase also translates into English as "beautifulest Lisa," "gorgeous Lisa," and "most beautiful Lisa" according to context. The pronunciation will be "bel-LEES-see-ma LEE-sa" in Italian.
Bachura nekhmada sheli (בחורה נחמדה שלי)
Italian is a European language from the Romance family. It's the official language in countries like Italy, San Marino and Vatican City. If you want to say 'baby girl', you can use the following words: 'mia bella bambina'. 'Bella' means 'beautiful' and 'bambina' means 'girl' or 'baby girl'.
Sono i belli
oraia gineka [o-ray-a] [yee-nay-ka]
bei miracoli