el Pájaro
casa de pajaros or pajarera
lave azul un lave azul is "a blue bird" el lave azul is "the blue bird"
The word bird is said in Chinese as niao. The word bird is said as ave in the Latin language and as pajaro in Spanish.
The word is "pavo".
pajaro (peeh jeeh ruu)
"Bird" in spanish is aves
"Bonito" = beautiful & "Pajarro" = bird.
That cartoon character is called Piolín in Spanish. In Spanish, birds don't say "tweet" - they say "pío pío" and the suffix -lín is added to stuff to mean that it is small and cute.
¡Buen día, pajarito / pajarillo!
"Flies" (the insects) in Spanish is "las moscas" "Flies" (as by aeroplane, or a bird) is "vuela" (=he/she/it flies) from the Spanish verb "volar"