Deja de hacer eso! (If it's one person)
Dejen de hacer eso! (If it's more then one person)
this are fine... but very polite... and "cut it out" seems to be more an order, so I would say:
"Para" (1 person)
"Paren" (more than 1 person)
To cut: Cortar Cutting: Cortando
Cortar papel
Calue! Denada señor or senorita
'Lonja de carne delgada'
"Cortar los árboles" or "Talar"
No corte este arbusto
Usually cortar - to cut. Example: Cortar el cesped. - Mow the lawn.
There is no direct Spanish translation to the word "thwart". Synonyms are Impedir - Impede Frustrar - frustrate Estobar - Cut short, stub, hinder Contrarrestar - Counter, countermand
"Cortarse" in Spanish means "to cut oneself." It can also be used to mean "to cut off" in some contexts.
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
how do you say sister in spanish