I wish - Atmana
You wish - Tetmana (Adressing Male) Tetmanni (Adressing a Female)
Note: If you're using the word in the form of being sarcastic (Ex, 1: will you be my girlfriend 2: you wish) then the correct word is Tehlam (Adressing a male) Tehlamy (Adressing a female), litteraly translated as "you dream"
enjoy your meal
In italy you should say 'Bon Appetit' (Enjoy Your Meal)
"Enjoy your meal" is "appréciez votre repas" in French. A standard formula is "bon appétit".
You could borrow the French and say "bon apetit", or say "Enjoy your meal." It literally means "good benefit".
There isn't a language called Mexican.
Приятного аппетита Priyatnogo appetita
enjoy your meal
We say "Bon appétit"
Lass es dir schmecken.Guten Appetit!
buon appetito
We just say Bon Appetit or Enjoy your meal...
The dictionary form/infinitive is "geniessen," and if you mean it as a command e.g. "enjoy [your meal]" it would be "geniesst" to a group of friends or "geniessen Sie" to strangers; however, if you are looking for what to say at the start of a meal, Germans simply say "guten Appetit" (bon appetit, or good apptite).