Classical Latin doesn't distinguish between time of day when using greetings. The most appropriate greeting would be "Salve" (to one person), or "Salvete" (to more than one person).
You would use "Vale/Valete" when saying Goodbye.
If I recall correctly, they are also used to address someone who is dying or who is already dead. This is because both Salve and Vale translate approximately to "be well".
Goodnight amica mea
gute nachte
Goodnight Mom and Dad: bonne nuit maman et papa
In Pig Latin, "goodnight" would be "oodgay ightnay."
In Pig Latin, "goodnight I love you" would be "oodgayightgay Iyay ovelay ouyay".
In Berber, you can say "tanemirt" to say goodnight.
You can say "lafi" to say goodnight in Mandinka.
In Fulani, you can say "Jaama wolof" to say goodnight.