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Saba (rhymes with ABBA, the name of the pop group).

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Q: How do you say grandfather in Hebrew?
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What is zeidy?

it means grandfather in Hebrew

What are the Hebrew words for grandmother and grandfather?

Grandmother = savta (סבתא) Grandfather = saba (סבא)

What are grandmother and grandfather in Hebrew?

Grandmother or grandma = savta (סבתא) Grandfather or grandpa = sabba (סבא)

What does the Hebrew word saba mean?

"Saba" in Hebrew translates into English as "grandfather" or "granddad" or "grandpa."

What is the Jewish name for grandfather?

saba but that is HEBREW!! there is no such language as Jewish

How do say grandfather in Filipino?

Tagalog translation of GRANDFATHER: lolo

What is grandfather in serbian?

If you think how Serbians say grandfather - they say " deda "

How do you say grandfather in salish?

In Salish, you would say "nukʷ" to refer to grandfather.

How do you say grandfather in Portuguese?

Grandfather in Portuguese is "avô."

How do you say grandfather in Kikuyu?

Grandfather in Kikuyu is "Jiin" for paternal grandfather and "Njeri" for maternal grandfather.

How do you say grandfather in Russian?


How do you say great grandfather with 11 greats?

To say "great grandfather" with 11 greats, write the word "great" eleven times and then write the word "grandfather." Some people say "eleventh great grandfather."