M'aingeal coimhdeachta
No Irish Gaelic version.
In Irish Gaelic: saoirse
sneachta is how you would say snow in Irish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic: Aingeal (if a name also Aingealag)Irish Gaelic: Aingeal
If you mean Irish Gaelic, it's leasmháthair. In Scottish Gaelic, it's muime, which can also mean foster-mother, godmother, female guardian, midwife and nurse. Also leas-mhàthair. Context would be especially important in this case.
In Irish you can say:saothraíochtdícheallachdlúsúilIn Scottish Gaelic:
Bláithín Éireannach in IRISH Gaelic.
The word 'knight' is ridire in Irish Gaelic.
Scottish Gaelic is tì. Irish Gaelic is tae.
Irish Gaelic? Scottish Gaelic? Manx? Which one? In Irish it's "an folcadán"
Is mo ghealán gréine thú.