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Odio las orejas

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Q: How do you say i hate ears in spanish?
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How do you say hate in Spanish?

To hate in spanish is odiar.

How do you say I hate reading in Spanish?

You would say "Odio leer," which is literally 'I hate to read', but that's how they would say it in Spanish.

How do you say to hate in Spanish?

Hate- odio Dislike-antipatía

How do you say 'do you hate me' in spanish?

"Me odias?"

How do you say rabbit with big ears in spanish?

"Rabbit with big ears" in Spanish is: conejo con las orejas grandes

How do you say i hate idiots in spanish?

You can say "Odio idiotas".

How do you say hate you in spanish?

te odio

How do you say little ears in Spanish?

Pequeñas orejas

How do you say 'I hate her' in Spanish?

Translation: La odio

How do you say i hate zariah in spanish?

Odio a Zariah

How do you say you love Jordan in spanish?

it means i hate you

How do you say i hate carbs in spanish?

Odio cangrejos.