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ik hoop dat je lekker geslapen hebt! As in question: heb je lekker geslapen?

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'Heeft u goed geslapen?' (polite form), 'Heb je goed geslapen?', or colloquially: 'Goed geslapen?'

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Q: How do you say i hope you slept well in dutch?
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How do you say hope you are well my friend in Dutch?

ik hoop dat het goed met je gaat. This is the translation of Hope, you are well in Dutch.

What to say when your patner asked how you slept?

SAY: i slept well how about u?

How do you say i hope you slept well in Italian?

"Hope you slept well!" in English is Spero che tu abbia dormito bene! in Italian.

How do you say in Dutch hope to see you soon?

Tot ziens

Why do people say they slept like a baby when baby's wake up in the middle of the night crying?

because some people are very odd but it does not matter but when you had a good sleep you say "oh wow I slept like a baby" well really you didn't because well they wake up crying witch is normal but not for you, well saying "you slept like a baby" is an expression after all but some people can say they slept like a baby, when they slept good and/or woke up allot in the night.

How do you say hope in dutch?

you pronounce it the same but you write it like this 'hoop'

How do you say hey in dutch?

You can say "hey" in Dutch as well. But for saying "hello" in Dutch you can say "hallo" of "hoi".

How do you say all is well in dutch?

alles is goed

How to say eat well in dutch?

Eet smakelijk.

How do you say did you sleep well in Persian?

In Persian, you would say "خوب خوابیدی؟" which is pronounced as "Khoub khābidi?" to ask someone if they slept well.

How do you say good morning sleepy head hope you slept well in spanish?

Buenos días, dormilón. Espero/Ojalá que hayas dormido bien.

What does it mean when someone say they slept like a rock?

It means that they slept very deeply and soundly, without any disturbances or interruptions.