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Nada más quería desearle / desearles / desearte / desearos un feliz cumpleaños.

Nada más quería felicitarle / felicitarles / felicitarlo / felicitarlos / felicitarla / felicitarlas por su cumpleaños. (a usted / a ustedes)

Nada más quería felicitarte por tu cumpleaños.

Nada más quería felicitaros por vuestro cumpleaños.

Also: Sólo, únicamente instead of "nada más"

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Q: How do you say i just wanted to say happy birthday in Spanish?
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How should you wish your ex girlfriend birthday?

Easy walk up call text ect and say hey I know it's your birthday and I just wanted to say happy birthday

What is correct advance happy birthday or advanced happy birthday?

"happy birthday in advance" sounds the best ... but easier just to wait for the actual day :)

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You didn’t tell us what instruments you want to use for this so your question can’t be answered. Just sing it.

What would be a proper response to happy birthday in spanish?

feliz cumpleaños, mi amigo asombroso is a good happy birthday greeting for your friends, it is also complimentary because asombroso means amazing, so you are saying happy birthday, my amazing friend. you can also just say Felix cumpleanos for happy birthday, hope this helps, pretty-zebra

What can you say happy birthday to your girlfriend?

Just wanted to say happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world. Love you x(And maybe draw a little picture of yourself with a quote of sumthin you both say 2 each other on the other side - it might make her laugh!)Keep it short & sweet :) xX

Why do you say happy birthday?

It started as happy birthday when you turned 16, because that was when you married. Nowadays, it is just tradition.

What is a happy birthday in volleyball?

happy birthday in volley ball is just to have a great time with your friends and to have a great game and to show who you are

Is happy birthday formal phrase?

no, because it used in a lot of different ways. EXAMPLE: your fish just died, happy birthday!

Lol fyi btw brb jk happy birthday?

LOL: laugh out loud FYI: For your information BTW: By the way BRB: Be right back JK: Just kidding Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday

What should people say to their Best Friend on her birthday?

Just say happy birthday if your face to face..on email add have a great day :P

What are you supposed to do when people are singing happy birthday to you?

just smile

What do you do if people forget your birthday?

Just go up to them and scream in their face saying"Happy birthday!"