Kathe Leigh Mash's birth name is Kathe Lee Cuthbert.
Kathe Koja was born in 1960.
Kathe Green is 6' 1".
Tabarana Kathe was created in 1987.
The duration of Tabarana Kathe is 2.98 hours.
Ondu Muttina Kathe was created in 1987.
Ondu Premada Kathe was created in 1977.
Kathe Mou Skepsi was created in 2005.
Kathe Oswald was born on December 27, 1890, in Germany.
I have three drawings of Kathe Kollwitz I might be willing to part with.
Kathe Leigh Mash is 5' 4 1/2".
You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew