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kumusta (how are you) = お元気ですか? (o genki desu ka)

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ogenki desu ka

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How do you say hello in Tagalog?

"Hello" in Tagalog is "Kumusta."

How do you say hi in tagolog?

Kumusta is how to say hi in tagolog if you are filipino you know this!! so why did you search this. if you are not filipino and doesn't speak tagolog then here is how you say it. thank you!! :D KUMUSTA PO OR JUST KUMUSTA.

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Tagalog Translation of HOW ARE THINGS: Kumusta ang bagay-bagay?or simply say, "Kumusta naman?

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In the Philippines, "How are you?" is often translated as "Kamusta ka?" or "Kumusta ka?" in Filipino.

How do you say hi in philipino?

you say kumusta kom ust a now say it

How do you say hello in Philippines?

In the Philippines, you can say "kumusta" or "hello" to greet someone.

How do you say kamusta ni ilocano?

In Ilocano, you say "Kumusta ka."

How do you say hello in igorot language?

In the Igorot language, you can say "Kumusta."

How do you say hi in ilonggo?

You can say "Hello" in Ilonggo by saying "Kumusta" or "Hello".

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In the Philippines, "hello" is commonly translated to "kumusta" or "kumusta ka."

What does Kumusta mean?

Kumusta means how are you in tagalog.

What is translation of kumusta ka in different philippine dialect?

In Tagalog, "kumusta ka" translates to "how are you?" In Cebuano, it is "kumusta ka." In Ilocano, it is "kumusta ka?"