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Mai die guten Zeiten und Schätze der Gegenwart wird die goldenen Erinnerungen Morgen des Wunschs Sie viel Liebe-Heiterkeit und Glück fröhliches Weihnachten

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Q: How do you say may the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow wish you lots of love joy and happiness merry Christmas in German?
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Yeah, that's right!

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Why, glad you asked. Yes, yes it is. Tomorrow is Christmas which is why you should go clean your room (wouldn't want Santa to find it messy again, like yesterday!), and go to bed early. And tomorrow all you need to do is remember: Christmas is not today, it's tomorrow. And hopefully when Christmas does come someone's stocking will have a calendar in it. P.S. I lied. It's not tomorrow. Maybe you'll still get the calendar though?

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Because tomorrow is in the future, and our memories are based on past experiences. We can only recall events that have already occurred.

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I am getting a dog tomorrow on Christmas day I think and hope.

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