You say "ensalada mixta" or "ensalada mezclada".
mi amigo mixto/confundido
You say, "nietos." Arguably, it means grandsons, however, in Spanish, it's how they do "grandchildren," of mixed genders.
Artes marciales mixtas / combinadas
Gracias, maestros/as. (male or mixed gender/female)
Nosotros Nosotros - for a group of all males or mixed Nosotras - for a group of all females
sois bienaventurados//as (mixed/male plural//female plural) eres bienaventurado/a (male/female singular)
Those of mixed Spanish and Indian, or indigenous descent are called "Mestizos."
yes, she is mixed
a todos mis amigos*/todas mis amigas# *if mixed gender or all male #if all female
Princeton is half Black and half Mexican. Prodigy is just Black Ray Ray is mixed with Black, French, Bolivian, and more. Roc Royal is mixed with Black, French, Spanish, Bolivian, and more.