'Champost' is a Dutch equivalent of 'spent mushroom compost'.
The compost tends to include wheat straw, horse manure, ground chalk, and dried blood. The result is a nutritious offering of necessary trace elements, potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It also is suggested that there may be some impact on the soil pH because of the 'sweetening' or alkalizing effects of the ground chalk. But in actuality, it takes a lot of alkalizing to make significant differences in soil acidity/neutralty/alkalinity.
"Paddenstoel", or "champignon" for the variety you can generally buy in supermarkets in the Netherlands.
Paddenstoel is a Dutch equivalent for 'mushroom' in Suriname and wherever the Dutch language is spoken.
I am a fun guy!
Your a Fungi
In Dutch you say "interieur" or "inwendig".
In Dutch, "Larissa" is pronounced as "luh-RISS-uh".
"Ezechiël" is how you say "Ezekiel" in Dutch.
ah in dutch
He's really a fun gi
Groot But the g is hard to say if you're not dutch..
'stripes' is in Dutch 'strepen' and 'stripe' is in Dutch 'streep'.