Liberi mei, beatus sum (spoken by a man)
Liberi mei, beata sum (spoken by a woman)
I am blessed is Beatus sum
In Latin, you can say "Diei benedictus esto" to wish someone a blessed day. This phrase translates to "Be blessed on this day" in English. Latin is a highly inflected language, so the word order can vary without changing the meaning significantly.
Beatus populus Beatus populus
Spes beata is Latin for "blessed hope"
The phrase "Happy birthday Jenny, be blessed" in pig Latin would be "Appyhay irthdaybay Jenny, e baylessedblay."
The Latin word for "blessed" is "beatus." It can also be translated to "happy," "fortunate," or "prosperous."
Tres liberi.
beatus, -a , -um is the Latin adjective meaning "blessed"
truly blessed
Carpe Diem
use the adjective "blessed" = benedictum (sing.) benedictorum (pl.)