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el cumpleaños de mi amiga/o

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Q: How do you say my friends birthday in spanish?
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How do you say my birthday in spanish?

"Mi cumpleaños". That is how you say "my birthday".

How do you say which friends in spanish?

To say, "Which friends?" you say, -¿Cuáles amigos?

HOW do you say when is my birthday in spanish?

"when is my birthday" translates to "cuando es mi cumpleaños" in Spanish.

How To Say Birthday In Spanish?


How you say birthday in spanish?


How do you say my birthday is on in spanish?

Mi cumpleaños es (your birthday)

What do your friends mean when they say you have a birthday cake?

you have a birthday cake

How do you say you have no friends?

I have no friends in Spanish is ; No tengo amigos.

How do you say I have spanish friends?

You do not specify a language so here goes:- "I have Spanish friends" - That is how you say it in English. And in Spanish: '(Yo) tengo amigos espanoles'

How do you say his birthday is in Spanish?

it's his birthday - "es su cumpleanos"

How do you say when its your birthday in Spanish?

Cuando(when) es(its) tu(your) cumpleaños(birthday).

How do you say birthday presents in spanish?
