If it is a male, it is neue Fruend, if it is a female, neue Freundin. If it is plural, neue Freunde. I am not 100% sure on neue (describing version of new) as my class has not gotten that far yet. I'm pretty much bouncing off Rosetta. Also, if you say the friend instead of new for males it is Der Freund and for female and plural it is Die Freunde(in)
Neue is pronounced- Noy-uh
Freund is pronounced- Froynd
Freunde- Froynd-Uh
Freundin- Froynd-In
Mein neuer Freund. = "my new friend" when the Friend is male. (singular)
Meine neuen Freunde. = "my new friends" when the friends are male, or both male and female. (plural)
Meine neue Freundin. = "my new female friend." (singular) This is where it gets a little tricky. If a male refers to a female as "meine Freundin", the implication is that she's his love interest. In order to prevent a misunderstanding, a male would say that a female is "a friend of his", and avoid using the possessive word "meine".
Sie ist eine neue Freundin von mir. = She is a new friend of mine. (singular)
Meine neuen Freundinnen. "my new female friends." (plural)
"Say hello to my little friend" is "Hallo zu sagen, mein kleiner freund" in German.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum neuen Heim.
You say it the same. Hannah, my friend is German and she is called Hannah and we say it no different
The German Friend - 2009 was released on: USA: 2009 (New York City, New York)
neuen Teppichis how you say new carpet in German
Suche Freund
Ihr mein Freund
jemandes Freund - if the friend is male jemandes Freundin - if the friend is female
Bester Freund (male friend) Beste Freundin (female friend)
mein Freund heisst
You say "Ich bin dein bester Freund."
German: Freund (-in) Spanish: Amigo (-a)