Japanese is a context driven language, depending entirely on context relative to the other words in the sentence or situation the words are...
"YAME!" "YABETE!" "YABERO!" or just simply "YA!"
The exclamation point is added to emphasize it means "stop!" or "halt!"
If you had to pick the easiest and quickest one though I think "YA!" is the most general. How do I know? From watching hentai porn sexual assault scenes, the girls always scream "YA! YA!"
Never Say Quit was created on 1919-03-16.
no john cena did not say it,he has a streak in i quit matches
No, not to my knowledge. However, "yameru" means to "stop" or "quit."
how to say "editor" in japanese
To say old Japanese illustrations in Japanese, you say "Mukashi no Nihon no irasuto".
I am sad to say this but yes he quit.
quit smoking = arrêter de fumer
we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.
フライドポテト is how you say it in japanese'
メロン is how you say melon in Japanese.
To say tennis in Japanese.........テニス
Terekineshisu is the word for telekinesis in the Japanese language.