He never played a saxophone in an episode before so I have to say no.
A clarinet is 'une clarinette' (fem.) in French.
Irish Gaelic: sacsafón
I'd say Marcel Mule, but that's just me. (and millions of other people) While i (editor #1) say Sam Taylor is a saxophone god.
Some say it is, but it is all based on how you say it in a sentence. So, yes and/or no
how to say "editor" in japanese
To say old Japanese illustrations in Japanese, you say "Mukashi no Nihon no irasuto".
we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.
I'm just guessing, but I'd say saxophone.
フライドポテト is how you say it in japanese'
メロン is how you say melon in Japanese.
To say tennis in Japanese.........テニス