The Greek word for that would be "τελείωσε" (tell-EE-oh-say). But it depends on what you are referring too... If it is a deal you are referring to then it can also be a more slang expression like "έκλεισε" (EH-klee-say) meaning "it's done"...
In Greek all pronouns go at the end or near the end of the sentence/phrase so it's kinda like:o Ελληνικός(Greek) θεός(god) μου(my) or in greeklish: o Ellinikos(Greek) theos(god) mou(my).
the greek word for ''promise'' is ''iposxesi'' [υπόσχεση] . if you want to say '' i promise'' then it's ''iposxome'' [υπόσχομαι] (you pronounce the ''e'' in the end)
how do you say unite in greek
You can say athlete in Greek by saying athlitis. If you wanted to say the word sports in Greek it would be athlitismos.
How does one say 'of course' in Greek? Thanks (evkaristo!)
Ελληνικά (Ellinika) = Greek
You would say "Brandon," as it has no Greek equivalent.
How does one say 'of course' in Greek? Thanks (evkaristo!)
how to say beautiful in greek
point in greek
The Greek word for "About" is "περίπου".
When the Greek people became Christans.