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Igualmente. Don't confuse it with tambien, which means also or me too. Igualmente means right back at you or you too. For example, if someone said "Te Amo (I love you)" you would answer with igualmente.

I've had 8 years of Spanish and am currently in my ninth.

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11y ago

Depends on the context of the statement:

If it is "[you] Go back to Mexico!" that is said (return to Mexico) "Regrese a México."

If it is "Send it back to mexico" that would be "Devuevalo a México"

If it is "I wand to go back to mexico" that would be "Quero regresar a México."

If it is "Put your back to Mexico" that would be "Ponga su espalda a México."

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14y ago

Volver. Volver also means 'to return.' Devolver is 'to return (an item).' (McDougal Littell ¡En español! Level 2)

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How you say come in spanish?


How do you say you to come in spanish?

venga a me

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