Tómate tu tiempo.
amor a primera vista
To say "I love you" in Spanish, you would say: "Te quiero."
to say i love simming in spanish is amo el nadar
well , I'll say that love in now adayes is a rare thing and can not be found easily but there still some hope out there and if you loosed youre fathe in love maybe its because youre aies aren't opened well and it means that youre hart are locked and my advice to you is : don't expect frome the others to open youre hart and don't think they will Guss whats on youre mined you should make the first move!
Tu tienes cinco pies de altura
Amo México is I love Mexico in Spanish.
Amo México is I love Mexico in Spanish.
i love you
Que haces, mi amor (accent on first 'e')
In spanish we say Te amo Trina :)
Te quiero is the way to say "I love you" in Spanish.