The correct spelling is "labeled."
how do you spell lemon in spanish
parece that is how you spell seems in spanish
"con" I think "con" is how you spell with in spanish.
flaco is how you spell skinny is spanish.
Heck with Spanish - can you spell it in English?
"Thursday" in Spanish is "jueves". It is not capitalized.
If you are asking how the word "spanish" is spelled, it would be Spanish. "How do you spell" in spanish is "¿Cómo se deletrea...?"
You have to go into the section labeled "Review" in this you will see a "Languages" button. Click it to get a list of languages, for Spanish I use Spanish (International Sort) because it covers basic Spanish. If you are using it for a specific country, they have some but generally use international sort.
The way you spell sniper in spanish is SUSTANTIVO
swifter... you spell it the SAME... English and Spanish :)
Do you mean how do you spell the Spanish word for quit.