How do you spell Eamonn in Arabic
To spell "shantell" in Arabic, you would write شانتيل.
what is the arabic translation for Maria?
You spell it like this : " شلبي "
it is written in Arabic this way : رفقات
كاريCarrie in Arabic.
In Arabic, "Lara" is spelled لارا.
Leadership = qeyada ( in Arabic ). and it written in Arabic this way : القيادة
If you mean right as a direction, so it is in Arabic: يمين and you can spell it: yammen but if you mean right as true, so it is in Arabic: صحيح and you can spell it: saheh
There are actually two words for uncle in Arabic. If he is an uncle on your father's side he is "3umm" (عم) If he is an uncle on your mother's side he is "Khaal" (خال)
You spell it ابني