"No, I do not read the newspaper" in Spanish is "No, no Leo el periódico". It is pronounced "No, no LAY-oh ell pear-ee-OH-Dee-ko". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation: http://www.answers.com/library/Translations
The word 'newspaper' in Spanish is periodico.
how do you spell lemon in spanish
parece that is how you spell seems in spanish
"con" I think "con" is how you spell with in spanish.
flaco is how you spell skinny is spanish.
Heck with Spanish - can you spell it in English?
"Thursday" in Spanish is "jueves". It is not capitalized.
If you are asking how the word "spanish" is spelled, it would be Spanish. "How do you spell" in spanish is "¿Cómo se deletrea...?"
The way you spell sniper in spanish is SUSTANTIVO
swifter... you spell it the SAME... English and Spanish :)