¿Como es Paco? means: What is Paco like (as a person)?
Paco Rabanne
"Paco soy tu amigo" translates to "Paco, I am your friend" in English.
Dave Paco Abraham goes by Paco.
The Word paco means taco. As in the Mexican dish.
The cast of Paco and the Wolf - 2012 includes: Felix Lopez as Felix Bernadine Sosa as Bernadine Paco Sosa as Paco
Paco is the large and in charge in this house. Paco has been with us longer than Leighlah so. Yes, Paco is slightlybetter than Leighlah.
Paco Lagerstrom was born in 1914.
no no no no no taco taco paco paco
Paco Racionero is 180 cm.
Paco Jamandreu died in 1995.
Paco Alcacer