Lori Beth Sikes's birth name is Lori Beth Sikes.
Lori Beth Denberg was born on February 2, 1976.
If you think of Lori as a nickname for Laura, then there is a Hebrew name with the same original meaning: Dafna (דפנה) If the person meant to write "lorry" which is the British word for the vehicle that Americans call a "truck", the Hebrew word is: Mesa'it (משאית)
Lori Bohner's birth name is Lori Beth Bohner.
Lori Graham Bakker's birth name is Lori Beth Graham.
Lori Beth Denberg is not dead. In fact her "death" was fabricated by the webmaster of http://www.maggotsandtenderloin.com/. She is living in Los Angeles. In her free time, she enjoys singing and traveling around. http://www.movietome.com/people/1780/lori-beth-denberg/bio.html
Lori Allison.
Lori Anne Allison
Johnny Depp was married to Lori Anne Allison from 1983 to 1985. Lori was born on September 6, 1957. As of May of 2014, she is still alive.
He started dating Sherilyn Fenn
I do not have access to real-time information on Lori Beth Denberg's weight. You may want to search for this information on a reliable source or check her official social media accounts for any updates on her weight.