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You will have to decide which TV show is your favorite all by yourself!

Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? How would you describe you favorite show? What things about the show make you like it?

If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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14y ago

Nobody can tell you what to write - you must write what is in your own heart and mind. Copying what someone else has written leads to dull, boring writing that is not going to help you learn how to write better.

Only you know why you like your own hobbies!

Click on the Related Questions to learn how to do this for yourself
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We don't know what things you enjoy!

WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information.

Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Nobody else can decide what things you enjoy - you will have to write them down for yourself! How would you describe these things to your friend?

If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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Q: How do you write a paragraph about things you enjoy doing?
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The best thing to do is write a list of things that you are good at, things you are not so good at, things you enjoy doing and things that you absolutely hate doing. The best things that are right for someone is something they enjoy doing. You have to be at work for 40+ hours a week, so you might as well be happy. If you are still lost, there are career aptitude tests that you can take. From what I have found is that the things I enjoy doing, those were the choices highest on my list. =)

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The purpose of doing a paragraph is all about being organized. When you write an essay or a story, it is normally very long. So for it to look neat, tidy and organized, instead of a big chunk of words, write everything in a paragraph. Tip: Make sure that when you write in paragraphs, it has to have a flow/sequence between the paragraphs.

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Too general means that you have so much information you will never get it all into just one paragraph!"Write a paragraph on science," "Write a paragraph on animals," or "Write a paragraph on cars" would be too general. There are too many different kinds of things to put into those paragraphs - you would need a book!

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Well, the first thing you need to do is write a small paragraph on the general things you are covering, then research facts and write about them. Normally you write a paragraph for every idea, but sometimes the paragraphs are too short. Include things like colours, breeds, what they eat, weight range, live span, size, and other such things. Make sure you cover many facts about rabbits.

Can you give me example of climactic oder using paragraph?

WikiAnswers can't write your paragraph for you - that's cheating and it's wrong (plus you could be expelled for doing it!) We WILL help you learn how to write your own paragraphs.Brainstorm a list of everything you know about climactic odor - here's where you do your research and learn exactly what it means!Now, pretend you're talking to your best friends and just write down how you would explain all the things you listed to them.

In Every paragraph you write you should have a clear organization that explains what?

The purpose of the paragraph should be explained in every paragraph you write.