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あり が とう Pronounced: ah-ree-gah-toh

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Q: How do you write arigatou?
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How do you say thank you in Japanese in English?

Casually: Arigatou / arigatou ne! Politely: Arigatou gozaimasu / doumo arigatou

How do you write 'doumo arigatou' in Japanese?

It is written: どうもありがとう

How do you sat thank you in Japanese?

Doumo - Thanks. Arigatou - Thank you. Doumo arigatou - Thanks a lot. Doumo arigatou gozaimasu - I'm very grateful.

How do you write thank you for shopping in Japanese?

Arigatou GozaimasuImprovement:"Arigatou" is fine in many cases, especially among friends, but "arigatou gozaimasu" is more polite or can mean "thank you very much" and generally the phrase that is used. Some dialects use the even more polite-sounding "arigatou gozaimashita" as well.

What is the Tagalog of doumo arigatou?

The Tagalog equivalent of "doumo arigatou" is "maraming salamat," which means "thank you very much."

What is 'thank you' in Japanese?

Thank you - Arigatou in Japanese arigatou -thanks you its so formal neh if goody good boy/girl arigatou gozaimasu if you want it to be shortened sankyuu

How do you say thankyou in Japanese?

Arigatou gozaimasu.

How do you write domo arigatou?

"Domo Arigato" actually means: "Thank You Very Much". It is Japanese.

How do you say thank you in Japanses?

Arigatougozaimasu (or) Doumo Arigatou

How do you say Thank you friend in Japanese?

ありがとう友達 (arigatou tomodachi) the u in arigatou is silent. =]

What arigatu means?

Arigatou means "Thank you very much."

Doumo arigatou gozaimasu. does this mean thank you in Japanese?
