Spain, specifically, Felipe IV.
It means "This is Felipe".
Felipe is Phillip in Spanish
The cast of En la corte de Felipe IV - 1954 includes: Ignacio Mateo
Felipe is typically a boy's name of Spanish origin.
It means: 'Where is Felipe (Philip) from?'
Felipe IV was King from 1621 to 1665.
Spain did not have one leader during this period, but this was the time of the later Spanish Habsburgs. The following Kings ruled Spain from 1600-1700 Felipe III (Philip III) 1598-1621 Felipe IV (Philip IV) 1621-1665 Carlos II (Charles II) 1665-1700 When Carlos II died, the War of Spanish Succession occurred as the Bourbons were set to inherit the throne of Spain in the wake of no further Habsburg heirs.
It's, "One day, Felipe [Phillip] goes to Kroger."
Philip = Felipe (pronounced 'fayLEEpay')