Hanté (e) Château hanté = haunted castle Maison hantée = haunted house
Casa encantada or embrujada
Yeah, she wrote her entire new album Speak Now, which includes Haunted.
its about her being 'haunted' by her relationships not working out
The tomb was supposedly haunted.
Louisiana's Haunted History - 2011 Eclipse of the Spanish Moon 1-1 was released on: USA: 21 January 2011
You can write "I do not speak Spanish" as "No hablo español" in Spanish.
the way to write "i" in spanish is "yo"I= yo
Yes she wrote the song.
Well, you'll have to use your imagination. What do you think a haunted house would be like? What do ghosts look like? What do they do in a haunted house? If you're going to be a writer, you have to learn how to come up with story ideas like this. Just pretend you're telling a story to your friends and write down what you'd say to them about a haunted house.
In Spanish, you write '725' - 'setecientos veinticinco'.
How to write "our hearts are broken" in Spanish.