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Q: How does she develop and utilize creative and appropriate instructional planning?
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How can you develop as a Instructional Leader to become one?

There is no position as “instructional leader “. To have an administrative position requires experience in classroom teaching, graduate courses in administration, and to earn a MA with an administration credentials.

What are the steps in planning?

the first step in planning is to develop some basic assumption

Do you have to have an education to be a songwriter?

Not necessarily; but you have to be very creative, and you have to develop the right contacts.

What is Creative Tourism?

Creative tourism offers visitors the opportunity to develop their creative potential through active participation in courses and learning experiences which are characteristic of the holiday destination where they are undertaken.

How do you develop your creative side?

The only way to develop creativity is to practice the thing that you want to be good at, and be prepared to do it badly at first.


One reason teachers may need to prepare instructional materials is to help develop a greater understanding of the content. It also allows material to be relevant to the specific needs of the students.

What IT companies develop business planning software?

PaloAlto Software Inc., JIAN, Go BIG Network, Atlas Business Solutions are all business that develop business planning software. Companies like Microsoft also develop such software.

What is community development planning?

community development planning is more like community planning for its development. This is like strategy taken in order to develop a community

How can you develop prose?

You can develop prose by reading other well-written prose. If it is literary prose, you can experiment with creative adjectives, similes, and metaphors.

What phase does the DoD analyze the threat to national security and develop appropriate strategies?

The Department of Defense (DoD) analyzes the threat to national security and develops appropriate strategies primarily during the planning phase. This phase involves conducting intelligence assessments, evaluating potential adversaries, and identifying the risks and challenges to national security. Based on this analysis, the DoD formulates strategies and plans to counter the identified threats and protect the nation.

What are the meaning of economic planning and its features and the objectives?

Economic planning is a term used to describe the longterm goals of a government to develop the economy.