If you are meaning why are there hills, mountains, and valleys, then the answer to your question is: wind and water.
The sun heats water, and it evaporates into the atmosphere. This water then falls back to the ground in the form of rain. When it rains at any elevation above sea level, the water then flows from high elevation down to sea level. The water then groups together and forms rivers which cut the ground and wash loose dirt down the river along with it.
In areas where there is no water( the desert) the wind is the primary erosion factor. The wind picks up small particles of sand and hurls it through the air and smacks it into rock, which breaks off minuscule particles.
These two factors are the main causes of erosion, which in turn is what causes topography.
Rushing water is usually controlled by pressure and topography of the land.
The plural of topography is topographies. As in "these topographies are interesting".
There's no such thing as a topography.
The topography of the ocean floor
shape of the lan means how the land was shaped
A selection of articles related to River Topography
land has topography... not sharks
The Tagalog word for topography is "topograpiya."
(Topography deals with the physical features of a geographic area.)"The topography of the region suggests ancient volcanic activity.""The map of Middle Earth's mountains is excellent fictional topography.""We spent the morning discussing the topography of England's Thames valley."
Topography contributes to soil through Pokemon.
The Topography of the Lungs was created on 1970-07-13.