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It is not hard to get your high school diploma. You just have to finish high school.

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Q: How hard is the high school diploma test?
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Will passing the online equivancley test give you an accredditted high school diploma?

Do you have to have you high school diploma to be in the army?

You can have your high school diploma or your GED to get into the army as long as you can pass the mental test your good to go

How can I finish my GED and get my high school diploma?

1.GED Online > High School Diploma Online > Free GED Test Online 2.High School Online - GED Online - High School Diploma

How can I more forward into professional schools with a high school diploma?

Any professional school will take you with your high school diploma. Most schools will have you take an entrance test or placement test to see where to start you out.

You took a high school diploma test from townsend Georgia is it acceptable anywhere in the us?

i took a high school diploma test from townsend Georgia is it acceptable any where in the united states

Where can I go to get diploma's at home ?

There are various free high school diploma courses and programs that can be found on the computer or traditionally. Centennial high school offers a free high school diploma test that can be taken at home and on the computer.

Ohio GED test online?

You can not take your GED test online - you must take it in person. But you can surely get your highs school diploma online may be you should try Senford High School they offer High School Diploma if you pass their GED kind of test online. or go to google and search Accredited Diploma and you will see Senford High School on the top.

If you pay for an online high school diploma THEN take a test and get the diploma in the the mail with in ten days is this real?

no it isnt...

What kind of diploma do homeschooled students get?

A GED or high school equivalency test.

Is there any way he can get his high school diploma free online ?

There are many online high school online diploma classes available for free ,all he has to do is write a test and get qualified in it. For diploma try madison falls.

What the differenes from a high schoo diploma and GED?

A GED is a test that you take as a substitute of your diploma. Usually it is used by students who are not able to graduate high school for some reason. A diploma is simply the document you receive upon graduation from high school.

What are the minimum qualifications to recieve a high school diploma in the Columbus Ohio school districts?

The minimum qualifications to recieve a high school diploma in the COLUMBUS OHIO school districts are to pass all of the sections of the graduation test.