The word squid is spelled in Greek as kalamari. IN Latin the word squid is spelled as squid and in Italian it is spelled as calamaro.
The Greek for David is Δαβίδ [thaveeth]The Greek for my name is David is: Με λένε ΔαβίδOR Λέγομαι Δαβίδ (Me lene Δaveeδ / Legome Δaveeδ)
Αθηνη is Athena in Greek.
Grandma in Greek is spelled γιαγιά (yiayia) and grandpa is spelled παππούς (pappous).
The Greek god's name is spelled 'Zeus'.It is spelled as Zeus and not as Zues.
Ελληνικό χαρτοφυλάκιο
Ἑρμῆς (Ermis)
Athena in Greek is spelled Ἀθηνᾶ.
Alexa in Greek is spelled "Αλέξα".
In Greek, Amphitrite is spelled : Αμφιτριτη
You spell her real name like this: Deborah Samson. Lot's of people spell her name wrong and they put it like this: Deborah Sampson but it is clearly spelled wrong. So whatever you do do not spell her name like this: Deborah Sampson.
The word hunter in the Greek language is spelled as kynigos. The word hunter in the Italian language is spelled as cacciatore.