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I did public school and Home school and I myself think Home school is better. Answer 4 I am at school Home schooling is better because, in homeschool you don't have a lot of teachers and u don't get "detention" or "expelled or suspended" So if u r in home school u should stay there! Answer Homeschool is better or worse depending on your individual situation. Some people do really well in one type of school while another wouldn't do well at all. Homeschoolers can spend as much time as they want to on assignments, don't have to wait for others to finish, don't have to put up with stupid people who ridicule them or try to convince them to do bad things, and can go more places. However, sometimes things are harder because you don't quite fit in with other people your age and if you get stuck on something and your parents don't know it, you have to find someone who can tell you the answer. Mostly, whether you'd do better or not homeschooling all depends on your strengths, weaknesses, personality, and your situation.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Children learn at their own pace and they are in a bully-free location where parents can teach them to stand-up or walk away. Also, we homeschoolers are not anti social. I have a ton of friends that are in school and homeschooling. So what that we dont go to a "real" school, we learn more at our own pace with our families and no distractions. My grades have been better, i can play and hang-out with friends whenever i am not studying. At school, my teachers sat there and didn't let me ask questions or anything. When i did, she told me to ask my classmates, they ignored me. But now i have support. Homeschooling is not only healthy, but it saves money and time. It doesn't take 5 hours to learn about math, it took me 20 minutes! But, it really depends on the person teaching the student. its not the students fault, its the teachers.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

One argument for a public school is the social interaction. There are also some other perks. It's easier for students to join sports and clubs, and the school does a lot of things for students that parent have to do on their own. Such as putting names for Universities. There is also of course the obvious advantage of money. Homeschool parents have to spend more on ther children because they have to purchase textbooks, and find their own means of making projects and worksheets which is usually something that is taken care of for the student by the school

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Schooling is not better than homeschooling.There is no way.

Pros Cons

Mature faster To much time at home

Sleep in Make new friends

Costs less

Less testing

Stay home

Be with your family

1 on 1

Less hours

You can go anywhere to homeschool

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Homeschooling is a good idea because it helps you to spend more time with your children. It helps your children to learn to self teach and to learn at their own place based on their own interest and giftedness. If you want to learn more about the inner workings of a functional homeschool, check out all these FREE homeschool resources on this website.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

There's no answer because there's no long term evidence either way. It's probably not. Even if you could statistically show homeschooling was somehow safer, I would assume that any correlation is intimately tied to the distribution of those home-schooled vs those public schooled. This would be heavily weighted to wealth, and therefore better neighborhoods (due to socioeconomic status). By extension, everything would be safer and you could no more say that homeschooling is safer than being in an affluent neighborhood is safer.

Additionally, even if everything I said could be disproven, the temporal characteristics need to be taken into consideration and social behaviors of those home-schooled vs. private schooled vs. public schooled would need to be correlated. For example, is there any regression in terms of violence that can NOT be attributed to socioeconomic status when comparing home-schooled students against public-schooled students at 40 years old (aka, did homeschooled students learn the social lessons necessary to successfully navigate the world when compared to another sample).

Safer? To say that I doubt it is an understatement. Different? Most certainly. Is this question actually answerable even remotely? No.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Because every child likes playing games and does not do much work so they mums sent they child to the school and you can add new friends

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Homeschooling is the original form of schooling. Before schools were organized institutions, parents would teach their children at home.

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No it is not. It is very unorganized. You would be better off in a Public School. NEVER do homeschooling, you will definitely not learn as much at Home Schooling.

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Well when i put my child in home schooling it was free but in other homeschooling cost about 50$ 4

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You can look up home schooling programs all over the internet. You may also wish to contact your school district office, or the federal or provincial government for the requirements of home schooling.

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The answer depends on what you consider to be the five disadvantages of home schooling.

Is homeschooling better than pubic schools?

I reckon that public schools are better. Although Home-schooling gives one to one tuition, a public school school also builds up a social background and life. I agree.

Should homeschooling be permitted?

YES!!!!!!!!! because home schooling is fun and no one should lose out of their learning

Where can I get home schooling online?

You can homeschooling and information at You can also check with your local school district also.

Do you have to let the public school know you are home schooling?

No, not at all... Unless your country has a specific rule on homeschooling...

Is There Free Home Schooling Online?

Homeschooling three children is quite a task, but good for you. Some free online homeschooling programs available in Michigan are and also try