"H" (hache) is the Spanish letter that is silent.
H is not pronounced in Spanish.
The Greek letter "H" is pronounced "ee," and is a feminine article (the word "the").
The silent letter in "neighbour" is the "h". It is not pronounced in common usage.
The silent letter in "wheel" is the "h". It is not pronounced when saying the word.
"h" is the silent letter in heir, therefore it is pronounced "air".
The silent letter in the word "ghastly" is the letter "h." In this word, the "gh" combination is pronounced as the "g" sound, so the "h" is silent. The "gh" digraph is a common spelling pattern in English where the "h" is silent and the preceding consonant is pronounced differently.
The silent letter in "school" is the "h." It is silent and not pronounced when saying the word.
The silent letter in "rhyme" is the "h." The word is pronounced as "rye-m" in most English accents.
The silent letter in the word "hail" is the "h." It is not pronounced when saying the word.
"H" is the silent letter in "annihilate", as it is not pronounced. \ə-ˈnī-ə-ˌlāt\.
The letter h is always silent in French, so it would be pronounced with a muted h