The umbilical cord is connected from the belly button on the baby to the mother. It is what provides nutrients (foot) and oxygen to the baby while still in the womb. Once the baby is born, the umbilical cord is severed (or it will fall off on its own). The result that is left on the body is what is known as the belly button.
no you dont have a umbilical cord you have a belly button your baby dose not have a belly button yet the umbilical cord attaches to the baby at its belly after its born the umbilical cord is cut giving the baby its belly button. However don't have your belly button pierced while you are pregnant as you will have to take the bar (or whatever) out towards the end.
belly button
A belly button is created by an umbilical cord, so all placental mammals have an umbilical cord. Animals that are hatched would not have an umbilical cord and not have an belly button.
The umbilical region surrounds the belly button. It is located in the center of the abdomen, where the umbilical cord was attached during fetal development.
Umbilical Region
The belly button, or navel, is formed during the healing process after the umbilical cord is removed shortly after birth. The remaining scar tissue eventually forms into the shape of a belly button.
No, your belly button is what used to be your umbilical cord. After you are born it is formed into a belly button and has no more use.
It is a scar from the umbilical cord that is removed at birth.
to the child it is their belly button.
umbilical area