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If you transfer within the same field of study, it should take an additional two years, provided the receiving institution transfers your degree full-faith in credit.

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Q: How long does it take to get your BA degree once transferring to a Cal State after 2 years with your AA degree?
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If i go to a community college for 2 years how long will it take to get a bachlers degree in crime scene investigation?

If you are transferring to a four year institution within the same area you have taken your associates degree, it should take approximately two additional years to complete the bachelores degree.

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If you are transferring within the same program of study (such as business to business), then it should take two additional years as a full-time student, provided you take the degree as prescribed by the college or university.

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If you are transferring within the same field, it typically takes two additional years provided you continue your program of study as prescribed by the college or university.

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Typically, if you are transferring to a four year institution, taking the same program of study, it should take an additional two years. However, how many credits are transferred toward the bachelors is always dependent on the receiving institution.

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fo years

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7 years