There are 8 demisemiquavers in a crotchet.
There are eight demisemiquavers in one crotchet beat.
There are three crotchet rests = dotted minim rest.
6 semiquavers worth a dotted crotchet
Half of a dotted crotchet is a dotted quaver.
There are 1 and a half beats in a dotted crotchet.
Four semiquavers can be played in the time of one crotchet.
A dotted crotchet lasts as long as one and a half crotchets.
A dotted crotchet is worth one and a half beats .
Assuming they are crotchet beats, the note worth three crotchet beats would be a dotted minim.
Assuming they are crotchet beats, the note worth three crotchet beats would be a dotted minim.
It's called a dotted minum