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Q: How many english courses you have to take in order to get your ba degree?
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What types of courses are required for a degree in psychology?

Many courses are needed for a degree in psychology. Not only are psychology course required, but all of the other standard courses such as math and English also must be completed.

What are some of the required courses to obtain a Game Design Bachelor's Degree?

There are many required courses required in order to obtain a Game Design Bachelor's Degree. One must take programming courses, art courses, and animation courses.

How many years of dental hygienist courses are needed to complete a bachelor's degree?

Different schools require different courses and have different methods in order to complete a bachelor's degree. This link offers you an idea of what you need to do

I have Several diplomas and a few certificates from universities will they count if i want to get a degree in teaching?

If the courses you took within the diplomas and certificates were actually college credit courses, then it is possible. How many are usable will depend on which courses you completed and how many fit into the degree in education.

What is the difference between a diploma and degree in midwifery?

The diploma is typically shorter in length (although no always), and does not meet the credit, and/or course requirements of the degree. This is due to the absence of many general education courses such as humanities, social sciences, some English courses etc. Thus, the diploma is a more career oriented program.

Are there required courses for Arkansas tech university?

All colleges and universities have degree completion plans. Which means that in order to graduate with a degree in whatever, you must complete so many hours of specific courses. There are only a minimal amount of hours that are electives. There is also things called core courses which means no matter what you are majoring in, the college requires certain courses for every degree/major. This may help:

How many years does it take to earn a master degree in computer science?

If you already have a bachelors degree in computer science, then you can complete a masters degree in one year (two semesters) of full time study. If you have a bachelors degree in some other field, you will probably need to take some number of additional undergraduate courses which will depend on your degree and the particular school. Someone with an undergraduate degree in engineering will obviously need fewer extra courses than if your degree is in English. If you lack an undergraduate degree, then add four years.

What are some good online courses?

There are many, many locations online to earn a degree. Where you are able to sign up will depend on your location and what degree you want to earn. Most universities now offer online courses. There are also sites like that offer courses for free.

Where can one find a Masters degree program in marketing?

Masters degree programs in marketing are available from many different institutions and many online courses are also available. Some online courses include Drexel and Astate.

What type of long distance learning courses can be taken to earn a college degree?

Lots of long distance learning courses can be taken to earn a degree from college. These courses can be taken in many different subjects and still earn you the same level of education as other degrees.

Are physics or other sciences required to obtain a bachelor's degree?

Generally speaking, in US colleges and universities, courses in physics or some other science is not required for a bachelor of arts degree in the social sciences such as history or even in majors such as English or philosophy. A bachelor's degree in science, meaning a bachelor's degree is Physics, a B.S. must require many credits in various hard sciences and in mathematics. With some majors, however, such as economics, then mathematics and statistics courses will normally be required to pass and receive a degree. The aforementioned courses are considered to be sciences.

What kind of courses are offered with degree programs online?

There are several degree programs online. Some of them being, teacher's education, nurses online certification, MBA, and many such courses. For a complete list of courses, look for the degree you plan on pursuing and then look on the net to see which program offers that option.