Technically there are 2 syllables, but most people pronounce it with 3.
The proper way is 3 syllables (sep-ar-ate). Many people quickly pronounce it with 2 syllables, however (sep-rate). The latter is incorrect.
Four stupid people
The word bingo has two syllables. The syllables of the word are BIN-go. The stress is on the first syllable. Many people pronounce the G twice, like BING-go.
There are four syllables in usually: us / u / all / y However, you will often hear it spoken with three syllables, as many people do not enunciate the second syllable.
Yes, theoretically the word "towards" has two syllables. However, many people pronounce it as if it had only one.
How many syllables are in pennsylvania? 5 syllables Divide pennsylvania into syllables: Penn-syl-va-ni-a
There are normally three syllables in the word "Oregon": "ore-eh-gon", according to some people.
The word insists officially has two syllables. (In-sists) It is possible for this to vary depending on your pronunciation of the word but the majority of people will pronounce it with two syllables.
Formally, there are three syllables(cor-por-al). However, many people say the word with the second o silent, where it is only two syllables (cor-pral), though this is improper.
The word dazzling has two syllables, dazz and ling, but some people pronounce it with three syllables, dazz al ling, which is perfectly acceptable.