The salary of educational psychologists can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and employer. On average, educational psychologists in the United States earn between $60,000 to $90,000 per year.
In New Jersey, psychologists make a yearly average of $87,130
Psychologists make so much, they wouldn't have to worry about benefits.
Psychologists earn less money than Psychiatrists make. The highest earning Psychologists make around 102,000 dollars yearly which is alot more than the lowest earning Psychologists make which is less than 35,000 yearly.
psychologists in May 2006 earned around $59,440
normally about any where from 50-140 thousand yearly based on the qualifications and experience
im pretty sure they make about 90 dollars an hour which to some people seems like a lot
how much salary older caregiver job in norway
The average annual salary for counseling psychologists in the United States is around $78,200. Salaries can vary depending on factors such as location, level of experience, and type of employer. Top earners in the field can make over $120,000 per year.
Norway is much colder
around 160,000