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A paleontologist is a scientist whose specific area of expertise is the study of pre-historic life. Much of a paleontologist's work involves the examination of fossils in order to determine possible causes for the natural evidence available to them.
With the aid of a paleontologist.
There are five syllables in the word "paleontologist."
The hourly pay for a paleontologist ranges from $30 an hour to $45 an hour. Pay rates can vary based on location and experience.
There is no abbreviation for a paleontologist. The only related abbreviation to this field is the publication JPL, or Journal of Paleontologist.
Ross (Eustace) Geller is a paleontologist.
What are satisfying aspect of paleontologist
The correct spelling is "paleontologist." A paleontologist is a scientist who studies fossils and ancient life forms.
paleontologist have discovered a fossil of a strange creature.
When a paleontologist talks about lawyers, they are talking about how much a Tyrannosaurus Rex eats. They do this because in the film Jurassic Park a T-rex consumed a lawyer in one bite.