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How much college soccer coaches are known to make is between $40,000 and $5 million annually. This amount is based on the individual school sports team rankings.

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Q: How much does college soccer coaches make?
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How much does a soccer coach make?

ANSWER 1: could you be more specific? in the US, soccer coaches still struggling compared to the rest of the word as far as money goes. however, every where else si the big bucks. soccer coaches and players in Europe make way more that football coaches and players in the US. I hope this helps until you provide more specific information about your question. REPLY: this has nothing to do with my ?. just tell me what soccer coaches make yearly on average. -OP ANSWER 2: Actually, the first person who answered is correct: to you need to be more specific with you question. What type of soccer do you mean? A college soccer coach? A professional soccer coach? High school? etc. Additioanlly, what level do you mean: DI, DII, DIII? Perhaps with a more specific question, somebody can actually help you find an answer to the question.

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According to the National Soccer Coaches Association of America, the starting negotionalbe salary is $25,000-over $100,000 for full-time coaches. But it also depends on the institution, years of experience, and record.

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As of right now, 6/19, Fabio Capello (italian), England's Three Lion's Coach, is the highest paid coach in the world, making almost three times as much as other national coaches.

How much has soccer grown in the US as a college sport since 1987?

Considering close to no one actually watches college soccer, I would say, very little.

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