To become an Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic (A&P) you have to get a license from the FAA which requires either a school which specializes in aircraft maintenance or military experience and training equal to that schooling or both. You can go to the FAA's website at and get answers to all of your questions.
The are massage therapy schools. There you can obtain the training at master the skill needed to be a good massage therapist.
Training in how to make saddles. I would imagine a person could become an apprentice to a person who does this.
Depends. You can find some cheap horse training course on Instagram at @2ndhandcourses in the bio and you can learn and become a trainer
just the education you need to get a good job to fall back on if you get injured and are out for a while.
butcher training
Kleptomaniacs are people who have a compulsion to take things that do not belong to them. It is a type of personality disorder, and requires no specific training.
In order to become a contractor, education and training are needed. A degree or certification in HVAC is necessary, along with experience in working with these types of units.
a very good degreee in medical a 4years term in collage a combination of addtional education and on the job traINING
It depends where you are